Finding Samoas most nutritious green leaf vegetable is the quest of the Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research and Women in Business.Posted: Monday 11 March 2013
The first thing Adi Maimalaga Tafunai will tell you is that it is not about her.
Everything that happens is because many people work together, it is not because of one individual.Posted: Monday 28 January 2013 -
With every batch of new National University of Samoa enrolments, there are always special stories that emerge. Once such story is Bronco Afaese, who is getting an education paid for by Samoas greatest treasure the fine mat.Posted: Monday 28 January 2013
Cut a branch and plant it is the message from Women in Business.
With so many fallen breadfruit and banana trees and damaged taro plantations, Samoa will face a food shortage in the next few months but people can take action now to help save planting materials.Posted: Wednesday 2 January 2013 -
A water assessment in the wake of Cyclone Evan has revealed a patch of clear water on an otherwise murky waterscape.Posted: Wednesday 19 December 2012
Samoa farmers will need support after Cyclone Evan
Samoas farmers took a severe hit from Cyclone Evan with banana plantations flattened, breadfruit and coconut trees felled, and taamu crops decimated.Posted: Friday 14 December 2012 -
This article by our media officer Faumuina Felolini Tafuna'i won the international agricultural journalism prize at the Making the Connections Conference in Addis, Ababa, Ethiopia in November.Posted: Thursday 22 November 2012
Women in Business media officer Faumuina Tafunai has won an international journalism award for her coverage of an agricultural conference in Ethiopia. After winning a regional media competition run by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Faumuina went on to take first place honours over other regional winners from Africa and the Caribbean.Posted: Thursday 15 November 2012
Women in Business has won a regional media contest and will represent the Pacific at an international conference on agriculture in Ethiopia next month.
Women in Business media officer Faumuina Tafunai took out the Pacific section in an international competition covering how small farms access commercial markets.Posted: Sunday 21 October 2012 -
A fine mat produced by a Women in Business weaver is being touted for exhibition in Japan. The Senri Foundation, which plans cultural events at the National Musuem of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan says the ie sae will be exhibited in the near future. The foundation bought an ie sae, which is one of Samoas most prized possession, from Women in Business earlier this yearPosted: Tuesday 16 October 2012
Bill and Hillary Clintons focus on Samoas Women in Business continues with the organisation being a highlight feature at the Clinton Global Initiative design workshops in New York recently.Posted: Thursday 11 October 2012
Since 2009, Women in Business Development Inc has helping Samoa's top tennis player Steffi Carruthers through voluntary staff contributions that are deducted weekly from their salaries.
But now 19-year-old Steffi is out of the juniors and needs serious financial sponsors to turn professional.
Women in Business say it's now time for the big companies to step in and help.Posted: Monday 8 October 2012 -
Chef and author Robert Oliver booked a day sail on Friday to film Gaualofa chef Lolesio Patolo cook and present a meal.Posted: Monday 10 September 2012
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined Pacific leaders, including Women in Business exective director Adimaimalaga Tafuna'i, in a call for equal treatment of men and women in all parts of social, economic and political life.Posted: Sunday 2 September 2012
Samoan/Maori artist Lonnie Hutchinson from Tautai Trust travelled to Saleapaga to visit one of our farmers and check how Women in Business is using a truck bought with a Tautai donationPosted: Friday 31 August 2012
How do you make dried Samoan bananas tastier and more appealing to the eye? Pour Tahitian Lime over it.
Thats the solution that Women in Business Development (WIBDI) production manager Stephen Hazelman is trialling.Posted: Wednesday 15 August 2012 -
After decades of sending Samoas brightest and strongest to work overseas and funnel money back to the islands, Samoan farmers are showing there is a way to stay on the land and make a living.Posted: Wednesday 8 August 2012
Women in Business and the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement have made a commitment to explore the expansion of the production of coconut oil to Hawaii and Native Hawaiian family farmers.Posted: Sunday 5 August 2012
Samoan vanilla farmers gathered together at the farm of Therese Rasmussen for a day of training and sharing.Posted: Thursday 2 August 2012
From humble beginnings in 1991, the Women in Business Foundation - set up to advance the economic and business status of the women of Samoa celebrated sweet success recently.
The organisation, now renamed Women in Business Development Samoa (WIBD), had reasons for a triple celebration.Posted: Wednesday 1 August 2012 -
An organization that works to foster the leadership and amplify the voices of women around the world honoured Women in Business executive director Adimaimalaga Tafuna'i during its annual Global Leadership Awards.Posted: Monday 11 June 2012