Women in Business Organic Farmers enjoyed great success at the Savaii Agricultural Show last week with a haul of 33 major prizes and a range of consolation prizes.
Thirteen of the 14 farmers won prizes at the fiercely contested Agricultural Show.Posted: Monday 14 May 2012 -
Women in Business rose to the challenge of making breakfast for more than 600 Samoans on a fun run sponsored by the Australian High Commission.Posted: Sunday 6 May 2012
Fetau and mixed crop farmers Taumaio and Afa Fulutusi from Vaovai, Falealili joined WIBDI's organic programme after a site visit from the organics team.Posted: Wednesday 21 March 2012
British High Commissioner Vicki Treadall presented a Diamond Jubilee grant to WIBDI on Friday.Posted: Thursday 15 March 2012
Fine mat weavers in Sataua village in Savai'i were visited by WIBI fieldworkers this week.Posted: Thursday 15 March 2012